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Laying the foundation for total health improvement


    Lay The  Foundation For A Total Health Improvement    

We'll create a supportive enviroment that will enable you to achieve your desired health goal. We've studied all major dietary theories and use practical lifestyle coaching methods to guide you in discovering which approach works best for you. Coaching is a guidance process, Clients must be willing to commit and dedicate themselves to achieveing a sustained change and not a quick fix...choosing either our  "TLC" Day Program, Three (3) Months, Six (6) Months or Twelve (12) Month Program. (Click Here) To Book Your Session TODAY...


J. Vernon White

Certified Holistic Health Coach




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As Clients of our Health Coaching Program, you will...

*Set goals in a way that is empowering and exciting

*Work to achieve and reduce your ideal weight

*Understand and reduce your cravings

*Increase your energy levels

*Feel great in your body

*Learn about new foods and how to easily incorporate them

*Improve your personal relationships

*Discover the confidence to create the life you want

Simple but informative, your Program includes...

*Two 50-minute sessions per month

*Coaching methods to promote wellness habits for a long life

*E-mail support between sessions

*Recipes that are healthy and simple to prepare

*Coaching to help you make the lifestyle changes you want

*Handouts that will increase your nutritional knowledge

*Identify where there may be imbalance in core area of your life

*Access to our Newsletter


"TLC" Day 

Laying the foundation for improved health and well-being

This full or half day of interaction between you and the Health Coach is designed to have a life changing impact on your lifestyle choices and practices that can be of an effective Preventive health benefit, Maintenance of a healthy balance, and Improvement to your total well-being... "Total Life Creation".


Six (6) 50-minute Accelerated bi-weekly Sessions

Two (2) follow up email sessions, after program is  completed

Our areas of focus will be... Healthy Eating, Drinking Water, Physical Activity, Proper Rest, Frest Air and Wholefood Supplements, to name a few.

Six (6) Months


                                 Two (2) follow up email sessions, after program is completed

Our area of focus in this program will be... Primary Foods, Green Vegetables, Lifestyle Diet, Food Pyramid, Protein, Sweet Vegetables, Organic Foods, Cravings, Self Care, Body Types, Visualization, Busy Lives and much more.                                   

Twelve (12) 50-minute Recommended bi-weekly Sessions

Twelve (12)Months

Twenty Four (24) 50-minute Ideal bi-weekly Sessions

Two (2) follow up email sessions, after completion of the program... Our area of focus in ths prgram wil be...

Food Concepts, Food & Mood, Food Suggestions, Health-on-the-Go, Spirituality, Primary Foods, Career, Busy Lives, Aynrveda, Slowing Down, Intuition. Secondary Foods, Relationships, Primary Food Circle, Food Concepts, Drinking Water, Enviroment and so on... 

We invite you to first schedule a complimentary consultation with us. During this session, we will discuss your lifestyle diet and practices, to determine how we can best guide and support you in achieving your desired health goals. Don't let improved health be a matter of CHANCE, but a decision of CHOICE !

Healthy Living Resources

Wholefood Supplements

Purified Drinking Water

Regular Physical Activity

Ecological Environmenmt

Your nutritional needs should be met primarily through your lifestyle diet. However, supplements can be the way to get the nutrients that one may otherwise be lacking. 

  WALKING!...   WALKING!...      

Walking may be the single best - and easiest - exercise you can do to improve your health. The hardest part of starting a fitness program is starting at all!


You name it.. yogurt, nut butter, fruit, seeds, juice,greens... can be put in a SMOOTHIE, that's healthy, loaded w/fiber, tasty w/protein from almond milk and packed w/omega 3s.

A optimized water (purified) which is essential for life! When it is abosorbed by the body to fuel cells, transport blood, remove waste, and support almost every other vital function

   Extra Virgin OLIVE Oil 

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is made simply by crushing olives and extracting the juice, this Oil is made without the use of chemicals and industrial refining.


Loaded with nutrients... a very good source of fiber, folate, vitamins A, C, E, K and chromium. A trace mineral that enhances the ability of insulin to transport glucose from the bloodstream into cells.

The most powerful natural strategy you can activate or continue to engage in to improve your health is exercising, specifically walking,.. it works! 


 Organic  Spices

Spices are composed of an impressive list of phyto-nutrients, essential oils, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that are essential for overall wellness.


Shows the two groups of foods that come mostly from animal: milk, yogurt, cheese; meat, poultry,fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts.(foods important for protein, calcium, iron and zinc).

The air-Inside... Is your living environment polluted? Imagine, eliminating that pollution at the source, with a push of a button solution to keep things cleaner, safer and fresher. 


        Fresh  Vegetables      

The dietary fiber from vegetables helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease. Folate helps form healthy red blood cells...


Blueberries are not only sweet, but they also have high antioxidants: (pterostilbene and resveratrol); A very good source of vitamin K,C, and manganese; fiber and copper. 

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"The doctors of the future will try to give some medicines, but his or her patient's interest will be the cure of the human frame, his or her lifestyle diet and the causes and prevention of disease."

                                                                              Thomas Edison

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